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YAMAGAINZ Strength and conditioning is more than a athletic development program.. it's a movement. A movement to tolerate nothing but the best from ourselves as athletes and competiitors by committing to the standards required to achieve success at the highest level and leave no gainz behind. 

About: Services


Fitness became my passion through the beautiful game of soccer. I saw early on how valuable strength & conditioning was to my development as an athlete physically and mentally.


My purpose is to use both my experience as an athlete in the pursuit of greatness and my knowledge + expertise in strength & conditioning to help athletes leave no gainz behind in the pursuit of ttheir vision for sport. 


YAMAGAINZ Strength & Conditioning is on a mission to ensure athletes through the Chicagoland area and beyond leave no gainz behind in the pursuit of greatness.

About: Welcome


Our vision is to over the next decade become undeniably the number one Strength & Conditioning Program in the Chicagoland area. Changing the culture of Sport, making the pursuit of excellence the standard again. Ensuring No Gainz are ever Left Behind. 

About: Welcome

Training Philosophy

Holistic: At YG we break down the Competitor into 4 main Roles & our athletes are taught to prioritize continuous frequent development of each role. The four roles being the Technician (Skillset), Tactician (IQ), Physician (Athleticism), Philosopher (Mindset) 


Fractal: In order to produce consistent results and thoroughly develop our athletic competitors we fractionalize the competitor into 3 components.


1. The Human: Before we are a an athlete we are a human and for long term athletic growth must prioritize the development of human movement (Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Core)


2. The Athlete: Before we are a competitor in sport we are athletes, which means we must be proficient in acceleration, change of direction, jumping, energy systems development.


3. The Competitor: Finally we are a competitor in sport and must develop the specific athletic qualities for the sport of competition in order to ensure No Gainz are Left Behind 

Are You Ready to Leave No Gainz Behind?

About: Welcome
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